Dialogue on Analysis Criteria and Opportunities for Precision Biotechnology, on Friday, May 28, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

The development of products obtained by biotechnology is of increasing

importance for the improvement of agricultural production, the contribution to food security and the mitigation of global climate change.

In this sense, precision biotechnology plays a fundamental role in facing the challenges generated by the need to increase agri-food production in a sustainable way and an opportunity for local agricultural research institutes and biotechnological SMEs to develop homologous products to those generated by conventional breeding methods.

Therefore, it is necessary to share the approaches for the analysis of the products obtained through the application of new improvement techniques (NBT). In this way, it seeks to work in a coordinated manner with third countries and with a scientific basis for the development and use of agricultural products improved by gene editing.

In response to IICA's responsibility to share technical and regulatory advances that help the development of agriculture, the Institute has held several face-to-face and virtual events on precision biotechnology and to continue its work as a facilitator in the exchange of technical information, IICA proposes the holding of the “Discussion on Analysis Criteria and Opportunities for Precision Biotechnology”, which will be held via Zoom, on Friday, May 28, 2021.



BIOEAST HUB CZ reflektuje Evropskou Zelenou dohodu a novou Evropskou strategii bioekonomiky a je koncipován jako národní sdružení stakeholderů.

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BIOEASTsUP project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and innovation under grant agreement No 862699

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