Drones Utilization for Crop Protection Webinar

on behalf of all the organizers, please accept the invitation to the Drones Utilization for Crop Protection Webinar
The webinar is scheduled on 13 May at 10 AM CEST.

In this webinar, we will introduce you to the challenge of the Agrihub INSPIRE Hackathon 2022, namely Challenge #15 Drones utilization for crop protection, which is one of innovation experiments defined for the Agrihub CZ&SK project. The objective of the innovation experiment is twofold – to present the possibilities for the exploitation and implementation of drones in agricultural practice, especially in the crop protection, and to open discussion for further cooperation for this field in the frame of the triple helix principle – R&D/farmers/SMEs.

Venue: virtual
Language: english
Duration: 1 hour


  • 10:00 – 10:15 Introduction to Drones utilization for crop protection
  • 10:15 – 10:45 Farming robots and the use of drones in agriculture – Presentation of the use of drones in agriculture and a short introduction to the newest methods used in aerial farming.
    • Presentation agenda:
      • Introduction to the application of robots in agriculture,
      • use of drones in agriculture,
      • recent methods used in aerial farming.
  • 10:45 – 11:15 Competences of university students for the use of drones in agriculture

Registration for the webinar is FREE. Register yourself via this link.
Can't attend the webinar at this time? However, you can register and we will send you a webinar recording to your registration email as soon as it is available.


BIOEAST HUB CZ reflektuje Evropskou Zelenou dohodu a novou Evropskou strategii bioekonomiky a je koncipován jako národní sdružení stakeholderů.

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BIOEASTsUP project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and innovation under grant agreement No 862699

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