Everyone at the table – Co-creating knowledge for food systems transformation

Dear friends of Food 2030,

We are happy to provide you the link to the latest EC High Level Expert Group’s report that has been launched yesterday during the affiliated session of the UN Food Systems Pre-Summit: “Everyone at the table: Co-creating knowledge for food systems transformation” co-organised by the University of Montpellier and the European Commission. This mid-term report presents the early findings of the Expert Group exploring ways to strengthen the international science policy interface (SPI) for improved food systems governance.

The experts have analysed a number of existing science policy interfaces and conclude that, while a number of them work very well, an additional framework linking local, national, regional and international levels as well as different facets of the food sector, will be required. The Expert Group will draw on the outcome of the Pre-Summit meeting in July and the UN Food Systems Summit to elaborate a more detailed proposal on this additional framework during the second phase of their work, due for completion in the first half of 2022.

Kind regards from the Food 2030 Team



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