Mind4Machines Open Call Launch event

First Open Call will be launched on April 27, 2022.

On the same day, we are organising an online event to inform you about the details of our Call.

You can register for the event by following this link.

In our Open Call, we target digitalisation of the manufacturing industry. Therefore, we will fund development, testing, validation, and market uptake of Industry 4.0 solutions of technology provider SMEs and startups. We are expecting the collaboration of technology provider SMEs with industry partners for project applications. The industry partners are expected to act as end-users of the proposed solutions.

In the scope of our Call, we have two financing schemes targeting two different TRL levels:

         I. Innovation Support – Testing & validating Industry 4.0 solutions [TRL 5-7]

         II. Go-to-Market Support – Innovative solutions demonstration & scalability [TRL 8-9]

If you have a project idea on digitalisation of the manufacturing industry in need of testing, prototyping, and demonstration (TRL5-7), you can apply to the Innovation Support Scheme in collaboration with industry partner(s). It is possible to build a consortium consisting of more than one technology provider and at least one industry partner and get up to EUR 120.000 lump sum grant. If you apply as the only technology provider, the grant limit per project will be EUR 60.000.

If you already completed the prototype demonstration and need support for pre-commercial demonstration or commercialisation (TRL 8-9), you can benefit from our Go-to-Market Support, where the budget limitation is EUR 60.000 for the projects with more than one technology provider SMEs and EUR 30.000 for the single technology provider.

Additional to the funding, MIND4MACHINES will support the call beneficiaries in their commercialisation and scaling up journey with our tailored innovation and go-to-market accelerator programs. Not only call beneficiaries but also all applicants and MIND4MACHINES subscribers will be able to benefit from our accelerator programs upon request. The accelerator programmes will be addressed according to your Investment Readiness Level (IRL), which you can assess via our IRL Self Assessment Tool.

We would like to ask you to register to the MIND4MACHINES  F6S Platform

MIND4MACHINES First Open Call Guide for Applicants will be published in our website under Section “Open Calls” on 27 April.


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