THE SCIENCE DAYS for the UN Food Systems Summit!

We are happy to announce that the #ScienceDays

will be joined by a diverse set of speakers from all over the world. The FAO Director General QU Dongyu, UN Deputy Secretary General Amina Mohamed, Special Envoy for the Food Systems Summit Agnes Kalibata and Chair of Scientific Group for the UN Food Systems Summit Joachim von Braun will be opening the event on 8 July at 13:00 CEST.

View the full program at

Over 40 side-events taking place

In the lead-up to the Science Days, partners from civil society, research, policy and industry will organize over 40 side-events on a wide range of issues on 5-7 July. The side-events will offer an opportunity for partners to present their insights on science, technologies and innovations for food systems transformation. Watch out for the schedule early next week at

Spread the word

The registration for the #ScienceDays is still open! Feel free to forward this e-mail to your peers.

If you would like to tweet about the event, please use the hashtags #ScienceDays and #FoodSystems.


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BIOEASTsUP project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and innovation under grant agreement No 862699

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