Webinar: Asymmetric MapWhiteBoard as a Disruptive Technology for Agriculture Advisory Services with practical demo

Venue: 24 June 2022, 14.00 – 15:30 CEST

30 years ago, large scale market uptake of precision farming was ‘put on ice’ due to the aged farming population​. The same is attempted in 2022 – yet in the meantime there has been a generational change on the farms​:

  • is it really that farmers are and forever shall remain stuck at the unfortunate end of the digital divide​
  • or could it be that we, the technologists and scientists have failed in building solutions that are practically viable?

During the Webinar we will try to present our vision of new advisory services, based on asymmetric communication and collaborative  sharing data between advisor and farmer. We will explain what MapWhiteBoard is, how it can be modified for SmartAgriculture and how to run such communication between advisor and farmer.. Part will be practical demonstration.


  • Introduction and link to previous Webinars (Marketa Kollerova as a moderator)
  • From data to knowledge – our vision of future advisory services for farmers – Karel Charvat (15 minutes)
  • What is MapWhiteBoard – Raitis Berzins (10 minutes)
  • Integration of data in Map composition – Franta Zadrazil (5 minutes)
  • Principle of asynchronous services and potential solutions – Runar Bergheim (15 minutes)
  • Live demonstration with existing tools and MapWhiteBoard – Herman Snevajs, Pavel Gnip
  • Discussion and future steps – Karel Charvat
  • Closing of spring series of AgriHub webinars (Marketa Kollerova)

Registration for the webinar is FREE. Register yourself via this link.

Who do you want to inform or engage?

People providing advisory services or developing technology for farmers. researchers, who introduced new solutions.

Read more HERE



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BIOEASTsUP project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and innovation under grant agreement No 862699

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