Praha se na dva prosincové dny roku 2022 stala evropským centrem pro diskusi o bioekonomice.
The very first annual forum dedicated to the Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters...
A new lighthouse project focused on the Danube River basin started on 1st January 2023. It is an innovation action project of the new EU Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030. The project is coordinate by ORSZAGOS VIZUGYI FOIGAZGATOSAG (OVF) from Hungary.
New year, new look: We have relaunched our website with comprehensive information about our transnational funding.
This is the bi-monthly newsletter of the European Commission’s Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy
s velkým potěšením si Vás dovolujeme pozvat na obnovenou akci “Týden Velkých a otevřených dat a Digitálních Inovačních Hubů”.
These are exciting times. Just before the year comes to an end, we have selected a new generation of 53 transnational cooperation projects.
BIOEAST Board and its thematic working group initiated the BIOEAST University Network that was established in Prague
A successful high-level international conference was organised in Prague during the Czech EU Presidency on the 7th of December 2022. The highlevel representatives of minsitries from the Danube Region countries were assured by the European Commission’s representatives that the EU
30. listopadu 2022 se konalo výroční zasedání členů prvního národního bioekonomického BIOEAST HUBu ČR, který se rozrůstá o nové členy - jak instituce veřejného vzdělávání, tak podnikatelské subjekty sektoru soukromého.
Virtual event 05 December 2022