
first national BIOEAST HUB in the Central and Eastern European region

the Central and Eastern European region groups of the BIOEAST Initiative

founded with the support of the BIOEAST Initiative and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic


first national BIOEAST HUB in the Central and Eastern European region

the Central and Eastern European region groups of the BIOEAST Initiative

founded with the support of the BIOEAST Initiative and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic

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Main activities of BIOEAST HUB CR

Promotion and popularization of the bioeconomy

Coordination of international and national thematic groups

Processing conceptual documents, strategic documents and analyses

Participation in national and international projects

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Bioeconomy opportunities for the Czech Republic

Northern and Western European countries are gradually creating and updating their national bioeconomy strategies, while the Central and Eastern European countries are at the beginning of this process. Therefore, the V4 countries created the BIOEAST initiative, which was gradually joined by another 7 countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

The aim of the BIOEAST initiative is to support the preparation of national strategies in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, to facilitate the use of bioeconomy opportunities and to enable more intensive involvement of these countries in international cooperation.

BIOEAST HUB CZ supports the national interdepartmental ministerial group of department representatives focused on the field of bioeconomy, prepares conceptual documents for this strategy and, thanks to participation in international projects, supports the introduction of good examples of bioeconomy development in the Czech Republic.

Why become a member?

Membership in BIOEAST HUB CZ will bring you:

  • Involvement in the preparation of strategic documents, especially the national bioeconomy strategy, cooperation on the strategic research agenda and the proposal of the Horizon EUROPE priority
  • Participation in thematic groups created at the national level and above the BIOEAST regional level
  • Participation in specialist seminars and workshops
  • Presentation of your organization on the website which will be linked to the initiative website of BIOEAST Initiative -
  • Presentation within the database of organizations created for networking and establishing contacts with prestigious foreign coordinators of Horizon EUROPE projects

I want to become a member



Plaská 589/11, 150 00 Praha 5

RNDr. Jan Nedělník, Ph.D.

Ing. Marie Kubáňková, Ph.D.

George Sakellaris, Ph.D.

BIOEAST HUB CZ in a nutshell

BIOEAST HUB CZ reflects the European Green Deal and the new European Bioeconomy Strategy and is designed as a national association of stakeholders who are interested in participating in the creation of a national bioeconomy strategy, a strategic research agenda and the implementation of bioeconomy principles, thereby wanting to contribute to the promotion of long-term sustainable development.

BIOEAST HUB CZ is a tool of the BIOEAST initiative of Central and Eastern European countries. As the first national BIOEAST HUB in the BIOEAST region, BIOEAST HUB CZ experts have developed material for establishing HUBs in other Central and Eastern European countries, which is available in English on the website of the BIOEAST Initiative.

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BIOEAST HUB CZ reflects the European Green Deal and the new European Bioeconomy Strategy and is conceived as a national association of stakeholders.

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BIOEASTsUP project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and innovation under grant agreement No 862699

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