Create biocosmetics - VIDEO

Empowering you to produce own biobased products
In June 2024, as part of BIOECO-UP and with the support of Interreg EU, a workshop focused on the preparation of biocosmetics was held at the Institute of Pedology in the Lubelskie region.
We have distanced ourselves from the natural products being made to believe that the chemical alternatives are always better. At our workshop in Poland we could see for ourselves how easily the natural products can be made at home and made better. 
See the full video here. Available in polish with english subtitles. 
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BIOEAST HUB CZ reflects the European Green Deal and the new European Bioeconomy Strategy and is conceived as a national association of stakeholders.

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BIOEASTsUP project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and innovation under grant agreement No 862699

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