CBE JU achievements are out!

 161 projects funded, 1,550 beneficiaries from 43 countries supported, €216.5 million invested in new projects & more

161 projects funded, 1,550 beneficiaries from 43 countries supported, €216.5 million invested in new projects, new widening participation strategy launched to strengthen the bio-based sector in new regions, the first 400+ stakeholder forum held...and these are just a few of the partnership's achievements in 2023. Discover the CBE JU's key highlights from last year in the digital summary of the annual activity report --> click here to go to the key highlights

Would you rather consult the full 2023 yearly report for more details on the research & innovation achievements, calls for project proposals management, key performance indicators of projects, cooperation and synergies, communication, IT, logistics, HR, legal and financial achievements, governance, internal control and other activity areas of CBE JU? --> download the full report here

New CBE JU-funded industrial biorefinery opens in Estonia

The inauguration of the CBE JU-funded SWEETWOODS biorefinery (Imavere, Estonia), which turns hardwood waste into high-value bio-based chemicals and materials, stands as a symbol of the European Green Deal in action: public-private collaboration boosting European competitiveness via sustainable industrial development --> discover more

EU Member States call for a boost to European green industries

In the 24 May meeting, EU ministers responsible for internal market and industry called for a set of measures in support of competitive industries to drive innovation and economic growth in Europe --> read more


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New bio-based foams for more sustainable vehicles and buildings 

The ReInvent project has created bio-based foams for vehicle interiors and sustainable insulation for buildings. ReInvent products are more affordable and have enhanced properties to resist fire and fungi --> find out more


Transforming waste into sustainable packaging

ECOFUNCO has developed bio-based and biodegradable coatings that improve the recyclability and biodegradability of food packaging and disposable hygiene items. This is a sustainable alternative to the current fossil-based coatings in packaging --> read the story


Facilitating the switch from fossil-based to bio-based production

BIOSWITCH has prepared tools to address brand owners' uncertainties in key areas like chemistry, forestry, food, and agriculture, supporting their transition to bio-based production --> read the story


Assessing the future of natural cosmetic ingredient safety

Upon reviewing the safety and toxicological requirements of natural cosmetic ingredients within the EU regulatory framework, UP4HEALTH researchers highlight the adoption of New Approach Methodologies, which do not include animal-based testing --> read the paper


Upcoming events 

IFIB 2024

3-4 October
Bologna, Italy


5-6 November
Rimini, Italy

Sustainable industry week

13-14 November
Cologne, Germany


BIOEAST HUB CZ reflects the European Green Deal and the new European Bioeconomy Strategy and is conceived as a national association of stakeholders.

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BIOEASTsUP project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and innovation under grant agreement No 862699

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