Online Forum: Upgrading biogenic side streams

We invite you to CLIB forum event “Upgrading biogenic side streams - feed and food ingredients for a circular bioeconomy”.

Upgrading biogenic side streams - feed and food ingredients for a circular bioeconomy

At this online event on 13 June 2023, 14 – 17 CEST, we will look at the changing food and feed market and listen to new possibilities created by valorising biogenic side streams in the future. We are supported by expert speakers from the field, who are part of the sustainable transition, as well as several SME showcasing their innovative ideas.

At the event you will have the opportunity to connect with the presenting companies for future collaborations or just listen to the interesting new concepts of how to create new food and feed solutions from biogenic sidestreams.

If you are intersted you can find the agenda on our event page and the Realise-Bio webpage. The registration is open till 12 June.


BIOEAST HUB CZ reflects the European Green Deal and the new European Bioeconomy Strategy and is conceived as a national association of stakeholders.

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BIOEASTsUP project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and innovation under grant agreement No 862699

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