Pitching event ACHEMA June 13th

We kindly invite you for a pitching event on June 13th on application-oriented solutions for bio-based process Industries

On the occasion of ACHEMA 2024 - the leading trade fair for the process industry and an important place for innovations in the bioeconomy - CLIB has teamed up with BioBall and the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region and organized a pitching event on Thursday, June 13, 2024 from 2 p.m.

We cordially invite you to participate in this event!

What is it about? It's about application-oriented solutions for bio-based process Industries!
Plastic from CO2? Cosmetics made of wood? Self-healing concrete? Sounds like the future – in fact, these are already tried and tested methods! In the event "Innovative solutions for the defossilisation of chemical process industry - A bioeconomy workshop", companies and institutes will present new materials and their areas of application at ACHEMA 2024. 
In three thematic sessions, new processes and materials will be presented in short pitches: 

  • Biopolymers
  • Bio-based chemicals
  • Bio-based building materials

After each session, there will be space for networking, so that you can exchange ideas directly with the speakers. 
Details of the pitches can be found here:  Details
The event will take place as part of the ACHEMA Congress in the Kontrast room (Hall 3). 

When you register, you will receive a voucher code for a day ticket at ACHEMA. 
We look forward to seeing you! 


You can register here!

BIOEAST HUB CZ reflects the European Green Deal and the new European Bioeconomy Strategy and is conceived as a national association of stakeholders.

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BIOEASTsUP project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and innovation under grant agreement No 862699

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