Second Annual National Bioeconomy Congress Highlights EU Cooperation and Funding Opportunities for Czech Institutions
The Second Annual National Bioeconomy Congress, organized by BIOEAST HUB CR and the Technology Center, focused on enhancing Czech institutions' involvement in international cooperation through European Partnerships and grant programs.
The event highlighted exemplary best practices, featuring presentations from key stakeholders on challenges and opportunities in securing funding for bioeconomy projects. Esteemed speakers - policy makers, representatives of public institutions and BIOEAST community emphasized the need for stronger financial commitments, proactive advocacy, and cross-sector collaboration to leverage the transformative potential of EU partnership; the conclusion is providing further details.
The Congress showcased exemplary good practices and successful initiatives that underline the transformative potential of bioeconomy. BBioNet, an international network linked to EIP-AGRI operational groups, emerged as a flagship initiative, promoting sustainable solutions for agricultural and forestry biomass processing through bio-based technologies. Participants were invited to join networks of farmers, researchers, businesses, and NGOs, fostering collaboration to address real-world challenges and support the transition to a circular bioeconomy. BRILIAN project served as an example of innovation in biomass processing, offering solutions that create additional income streams, generate employment opportunities, and support Czech institutions in building international networks. BRILIANT Advisory Board of farmers is a good opportunity not only to discover these innovations but also to support Czech institutions to create their network that would ease them the involvement in international cooperation.
BIOEAST HUB CR as a leader of the BIOEAST Thematic working group on bioeconomy education articulated bioeconomy education in the presentation of eNABls project. It is offering members opportunities to explore nature-based solutions and facilitate collaboration between academia, industry, and policymakers.
Bringing together BIOEAST HUB CR members, policymakers, and professionals, the event served as a platform to promote positive environmental impacts and sustainable practices, reinforcing the critical role of the bioeconomy in advancing sustainable development. The Congress reaffirmed BIOEAST HUB CR's dedication to empowering Czech organizations with access to international networks, funding mechanisms, and strategic resources. With free membership established through a Memorandum of Cooperation, the BIOEAST HUB CR is providing members with unique opportunities to shape the future of bioeconomy innovation.