The Global Bioeconomy Summit

The Global Bioeconomy Summit (GBS) 2024 will take place on October 23-24, 2024, in Nairobi, Kenya

ManuREfinery Sustainable Livestock Waste Management

Press Release: ITA Hosts the 1st Partner Meeting for the ManuREfinery Project on Sustainable Livestock Waste Management

DALIA 4th partner meeting in Valtice

4th Partner meeting and study visit at DALIA DEMO SITE 3: Dyje sub-catchment of the Danube River Basin

The Freshwater Research and Innovations to Enhance Sustainability and Resilience of Land and Oceans

Healthy Waters and Healthy Life" held on October 15, 2024, at the Burgas Free University (BFU) in Burgas, Bulgaria

Pitch Program almost complete – Time to register!

5th edition of the “Pitch Perfect and Boost the European Bioeconomy” event, that will take place at Sheraton Brussels Airport, on Tuesday December 3rd

Healthy water and healthy life conference

The high level   conference "From the Danube Source to the Black Sea: Healthy Waters and Healthy Life" will discuss the future of the Danube River Basin. 

Food loss and waste management through bioeconomy

We can avoid food loss and waste through a well-developed bioeconomy

DESIGN Conference Closing event

on the series of Pathway to DESIGN the circular bio-based transition

Pilots4U powered by COPILOT

COPILOT invites Bioeconomy Innovators and Pilot and Demo Infrastructures to CO-CREATE the next DATABASE & PLATFORM of European Open Access Pilot and Demo Infrastructures for the Bioeconomy.

Open call - Dalia river restoration

Apply till 16th October for a chance to secure a grant of up to 100K EUR for river restoration.

Create biocosmetics - VIDEO

Empowering you to produce own biobased products

Garden on a plate - VIDEO

BioEco-UP presents Agricaltural research Troubsko and non traditional ingredients.

BIOEAST HUB CZ reflects the European Green Deal and the new European Bioeconomy Strategy and is conceived as a national association of stakeholders.

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BIOEASTsUP project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and innovation under grant agreement No 862699

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